Sunday, July 16, 2017

Starting over is hard.........

especially when you are 80 years old. My dear aunt, who is 80, recently became widowed.......
and decided to sell her home, along with  almost everything else she owned, 
then packed up her little dog and moved all the way down Texas
close to where I live.
She has since found her a new little house, and is now starting over.........
picking out furniture, getting her house to look like "home"
Which brings another reason to why I love to do  hand embroidery.
I love to make little gifts for anyone who is " fixing up their nest"

Hand embroidered dishtowels and hand crocheted dishcloths
tucked into a box of dishware is a wonderful
"welcome home" gift I think.

I often put a fabric border or crocheted edge on the bottom
of the dishtowel.......but often I have found
that many prefer the towel with a plain hem finish.
I love the "farmhouse" look this little set has to it........
don't you?
So tell me...........what kinds of things
do  you think would be a great housewarming gift?
I would love to hear!