Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Need a recipe for a Peace Filled Life?

These days are truly troublesome and full of stress. Go to my country living blog for a recipe of sorts to hopefully help you feel better. Blessings!http://eggsinmypocket.blogspot.com


  1. Sooo peaceful. A world I almost forgot existed !

    Why not an antique shop...!!! with a wide blog following it will be a * place of destination *

    Spent a week in West Texas 44 years ago. It made a lasting impression. My first novel FEAST OF DRAGONS (just staring) starts out there.
    I remember vividly the January hills behind the guest cabin, and the feral goats looking down on me :o)

    ... continued peace and happiness for you and your family.

  2. What a great picture! Thats what I want to look like when I'm an old lady.



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