Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Week Of Embroidery And Vintage China

As most of you know, I love vintage china...........actually, who among you doesn't? Am I right? {:

Over the years, I have collected little pieces here and there, from flea market visits and from friends and family handing pieces down to me. I have always loved the jade green Fire King coffee mugs and the lovely pieces of that the correct name?..........I need to research.

I have always longed to own a whole set of this lovely green china, but I am happy with the few small pieces I do have. As you can see, this is what has inspired me to embroider the set of towels I will be showing you this week.

I have a transfer of a set of dishes, with the names of the days of the week on them.
I think this was supposed to be a pot holder design, however, it is perfect on a tea towel. Starting tomorrow, I will post the the stitched piece for Friday, then the one on Saturday, and all through the rest of the week. Each one is so pretty and I have a piece of vintage china to go along with each design.
I hope you will drop by to visit each day of this weekend and coming week to see the newest design. That is if the computer and life work with me.
How about you?
Do you have a favorite pattern of china?
Do you love the days of the week tea towel sets?
I would love to hear! 


  1. LOVE those cups! Before I was married I did a set of Days of the week Tea Towels. I have one that is still intact. A couple years ago I did a set for my daughter...she is into vintage. My granddaughter does embroidery much better than me. I am sewing up the tea towels and she will embroidery the set...

  2. Your embroidered towel looks just perfect with the pretty cup. I love those old towels, but since I love to stitch so much, I don't buy many vintage ones. I just search for patterns.

  3. My first set of dishes was Fireking oven ware: six divided plates, six mugs, salad plates and saucers. They were given to me by an aunt who probably took them from her own kitchen. I'm so glad I've kept them; they're too expensive to add to the set!

    I have a small collection of Homer Laughlin china. I wrote about it here: Nov. 15,2010, Collections, part one.

    As usual, your work is fantastic and the green china will be very sweet on your linens.

  4. I always say "I like anything that can break." I'm partial to Blue Willow, milk glass, and American Fostoria. Hop on over to see Cindy at Retro Revival, she has more Jadite that I have ever seen.

  5. I absolutely LOVE jadeite, and I can't figure out why I don't own any yet. :-) I guess I just haven't run across it while out looking for treasures.
    Your teacup tea towel is gorgeous! I LOVE days of the week towels. I have a couple of sets that my Grandmother made for me and I really cherish them.
    I love many different china patterns, and so I have various mismatched tea cups. But my full set of bone china is called "Memory Lane". It's by Royal Albert and has tiny little blue forget me nots on it.
    I can't wait to see all the days of the week that you have made!


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