Monday, May 14, 2012

It's Monday, the start of a work week for many............even for

the homemaker, work begins...........

Ladies of the Week ( Woman's World 1928)
Thanks goodness for the electric washing machine and dryer...........although I still love my clothesline........
how about you?
******Visit my cooking blog for some vintage history about Better Homes and Gardens and for a vintage recipe! Just click onto this link.......


  1. These are very cute designs! In Australia's sunny climate it would be criminal not to make use of the weather to dry our washing outdoors. I love the smell of sheets and towels when they have been sun-dried..

  2. I do like the smell of outdoor drying! With our electric washing machines we don't have to wait until Monday to do the laundry; these designs tell a story of days gone by.

  3. Darling little stitchery, remember as a new bride and I tried to do my chores on a schedule.Somehow that all changed with time, didn't take long.

  4. I love all of these transfers!!! I see redwork in the future here. It was my job to hang the wash out, even in the icy cold of winter, so I'm all in favor of dryers, for sure. And washers???? Don't EVER take my washer away from me.


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