I cannot count my day complete
'Til needle, thread and fabric meet.
~Author Unknown

Sharing a common thread with those who love the art of hand embroidery

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

For Giving.....


Whenever someone comes to visit......be it friends or family, 
I like to open my "linen drawer" that is in a space in an old Hoosier cabinet
in my kitchen and offer them an embroidered dishtowel and matching crochet dishcloth
that I have made to take back home with them. 
I have let my stash of give aways dwindle down and now I am in the process of making more applique, embroidered, and crocheted items to be able to give away.
I decided to make a simple applique towel with a teacup design
and then added some embroidered vine and an appliqued small "broderie perse " 
flower spray.
I added some embroidery to the teacups 
and stitched a simple edging to the towel and then crocheted a matching dishcloth.
I also like to add a cookbook for a special occasion.
I have added some pretty fabric on some of the dish towels.  I plan to 
embroider something in the middle of each. 

 I never have a steady flow of visitors, which gives me time to get a stash accumulated. 
Since covid....I have noticed that the giving of handmade gifts has grown  ........yet
some do not like to offer handmade........and some do not like receiving handmade .
I am thrilled with a handmade gift.  For me, it says, the gift came from the heart.
How about you?  What are your thoughts of giving or receiving handmade gifts?
I would love to hear! 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Vivid colors and inspiration


came to me while we were on our adventures in Washington/Oregon and Hawaii. I decided before the plane landed in our home area that I was going to work an applique project. 
Now that our traveling had ended and I have settled back into a normal daily routine of a quiet life, I have returned to my creative space and picked up my lonely needle. I am catching up on some 
"gift embroidery" but I want to start to work on the images and colors I saw while on our trips.

I have turned to this book of wonderful applique patterns......or should I say.....the patterns are on the CD included.  This book is "Mi Amor, Legacy Applique by Margarete Heinisch.(2014)  You will need to  have a CD reader if you want to work patterns from this book.  I was at first frustrated about this because at the time I ordered this book, I did not have a CD reader and I did not realize the patterns were not tucked into the book as I am usually accustomed to.  However, CD readers are easy to find and easy to plug into your computer and the CD is well filled with lovely patterns.  
The book itself is well written with clear instructions and inspiring photographs of each project. I do not plan to applique the whole patterns in this book.......I just want to use some of the flower patterns for my project I am dreaming up. 
 Not many are visiting here at this blog any longer and I miss your visits and your comments. When I traced back through the years on this blog and visited your blogs.....so many have not posted in years and some blogs are no longer there.  I hope that somehow you return and tell me what your busy hands have been creating!  I would love to hear from you!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 I'm going to have a vacation!

      I'll leave all my housework behind,

      And not have to do any cooking;

      I'll forget all the daily grind!

I'll bask in the sunshine—don't worry!—

      And so all the things that are right;

      I'll enjoy myself every minute,

      And I'll go to a dance each night!

But when my vacation is over

      And I pack my glad rags, alone,

      I'll be happy—so very happy!—

      For, really, there's no place like home!

~Gertrude Tooley Buckingham, "My Vacation," 1940s

We are back home........but I think upon Waimea Bay and the time we spent swimming and basking in the sun there.

Saturday, July 6, 2024



Friday, June 21, 2024

And now...........a finish!

Mushrooms In My Garden

Saturday, June 8, 2024

We have been off on an adventure


 I left my needle and thimble behind and wandered away
to a land of waterfalls
and forests.  I have returned with inspiration in my heart. 
So back to stitching I go!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

As far back as I can remember


I have always had a love for embroidered linens and the art of hand embroidery.
As the years swept by, I found myself deep in a pile of wonderful vintage linens that were either handed down to me or that I had found in some shop as I went along my way.  There were also vintage pre- stamped linens still in wonderful shape waiting for embroidery and crochet edging. I have a large amount of those that I have hand embroidered and have hand crocheted edges to. 
Along with all of that, I have always wanted a vintage shop where I could sell these vintage linens along with lovely vintage dishware.  That is how my shop and blog 
"Yesteryear Embroideries" began.

This year I have focused on working on some of the pre- stamped linens to offer in my shop.........hopefully towards the holiday season . I decided to work on this 3 piece vanity dresser set this month.
I chose red and blue  floss for the floral embroidery
and black floss for the lattice work embroidery.  I chose a crochet edge pattern from a 1943 crochet booklet that I like. 
Now this set is finished
and it looks great on an antique vanity dresser.  However, I encourage everyone to use the linens to accomplish the look the way they want in their own homes.  There are so many ways this 3 piece set can be used throughout the home. 
The days here have been pretty.  So many things are in bloom or have wild berries on them.
I would love to hear what you are working on. Here's wishing you pretty spring days ahead!