I cannot count my day complete
'Til needle, thread and fabric meet.
~Author Unknown

Sharing a common thread with those who love the art of hand embroidery

Monday, May 24, 2021

The month of May is a time when

                                   nature really wakes up......from the wild flowers to wildlife

and everything  else that has been quiet and sleeping. 

No matter how harsh the past winter may have been,

everything comes back to life..........vibrant and lovely.

Now that the virus seems to be calmed down......all things we love to do

seems to be slowly waking back up. 

I have not spent a lot of my time with my needle to show you something stitched.


I have spent the past few weeks, waking up
my vintage shop.........which has been closed due to the virus.
Now that the virus seems to have calmed down, I hope to open 
to the public. Would you like a tour?
I started off by clearing things off of the floor, so that 
one can easily look at things without stubbing their toe. 
I also wanted the vintage glassware to be seen better and 
moved it to the middle table in the natural light.
As you can see, the cement floor is very worn.  It had been painted
by previous owners years ago and the paint has worn.
I chose an antique white paint for the floor and then stenciled
a design in a sage green
I left the futon/bed in the shop (on the left side of the photo)
so that if all of our children are visiting at the same time, 
there will be this extra space for them to come and rest.
I wanted the entrance in front of the door to have some kind of
rose design.  I painted an oval rug in this space.
It matches the sage green part of the wall of the shop.
The shop is full of tea cups
vintage dishware
vintage glassware
vintage kitchen gadgets

vintage cookbooks
vintage purses and jewelry boxes
and collectibles
and there are drawers and tubs full of vintage linens and crochet

The walls are also covered with needlework and paintings
One of my favorite things in the shop is this old mirror.
I had stored it away for years before I made the shop.
I just could not toss it and knew one day I would find the perfect
use for it.  
When I made the shop, my husband fixed it to the top of
an old dresser as decoration for the shop.  I have had the 
little porcelain butterflies for years and decided they would
be perfect to add to the mirror.
So now, while I wait for customers,
I will be returning to my stitching and  working with my needle. 
Do  you like vintage things?  
Do  you have a favorite shop to go roam 
and linger in? 

 If you ever
come this way.......my shop 
door will always be open for  you!