I cannot count my day complete
'Til needle, thread and fabric meet.
~Author Unknown

Sharing a common thread with those who love the art of hand embroidery

Saturday, July 6, 2024



Friday, June 21, 2024

And now...........a finish!

Mushrooms In My Garden

Saturday, June 8, 2024

We have been off on an adventure


 I left my needle and thimble behind and wandered away
to a land of waterfalls
and forests.  I have returned with inspiration in my heart. 
So back to stitching I go!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

As far back as I can remember


I have always had a love for embroidered linens and the art of hand embroidery.
As the years swept by, I found myself deep in a pile of wonderful vintage linens that were either handed down to me or that I had found in some shop as I went along my way.  There were also vintage pre- stamped linens still in wonderful shape waiting for embroidery and crochet edging. I have a large amount of those that I have hand embroidered and have hand crocheted edges to. 
Along with all of that, I have always wanted a vintage shop where I could sell these vintage linens along with lovely vintage dishware.  That is how my shop and blog 
"Yesteryear Embroideries" began.

This year I have focused on working on some of the pre- stamped linens to offer in my shop.........hopefully towards the holiday season . I decided to work on this 3 piece vanity dresser set this month.
I chose red and blue  floss for the floral embroidery
and black floss for the lattice work embroidery.  I chose a crochet edge pattern from a 1943 crochet booklet that I like. 
Now this set is finished
and it looks great on an antique vanity dresser.  However, I encourage everyone to use the linens to accomplish the look the way they want in their own homes.  There are so many ways this 3 piece set can be used throughout the home. 
The days here have been pretty.  So many things are in bloom or have wild berries on them.
I would love to hear what you are working on. Here's wishing you pretty spring days ahead!


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Embroidered Mushrooms and a chat about Helen M Stevens

 It's a lovely rainy day here.  After a rain has come our way, I am eager to go out after the rain has stopped and when the sun has started to warm the damp ground in search of the wild mushrooms that grow here. 

These delightful little fungi always inspire me to find my needle, gather my floss,
and try to capture their image in stitches. 
On this particular piece that I have started, I strayed away from what normally grows here on the grounds and chose different shades of red. I love the red and white mushrooms 
that Gnomes are usually hanging around. (the design I found on the internet and I am sorry that I  do not know who the artist is) 
However, this particular mushroom that I find occasionally growing, 
was on my mind when I was ready to begin to stitch the second mushroom.
I stitched the second mushroom in these dark colors. I have much more
that I want to stitch on this piece before I and call it "finished" 
so I will be showing you that hopefully on my next post. 
Now.......I would like to chat a little about the talented  stitching of 
Helen M. Stevens.
For all of you who work embroidery, you know the type stitching that I worked on the 
mushrooms are basically just a simple short and long stitch.  And many of 
you already know that many well known embroiderers have many books on this subject.
For this post, I would like to chat about Helen M Stevens. First, I will give you this link 
 One only needs to type in her name to find out more about her and to look at her lovely work. I will place this statement about Helen M Stevens which can be found on her "ABOUT" section:

 "Helen created the True Embroideries Studio in 1981 to concentrate on aspects of embroidery which were, at the time, undervalued and little understood: "narrative" embroidery, representational work in traditional, even ancient, techniques encompassing a contemporary twist; techniques which allowed them to be accessible to modern audiences."

I discovered Helen M Stevens when a picture of one of her lovely embroideries popped up on my search screen of my computer.  I have only one book of hers, which I love dearly and constantly turn to as a helpful resource for many things I want to embroider. 
This book is titled 
"Helen M Stevens Embroiderer's Year.
I would encourage all of you to grab a needle and floss and just try the short and long stitch technique. It brings what you embroider to life! 
I also encourage everyone to keep resource books in your library, whether you stitch, quilt,
crochet, knit, or paint.   Books are a wonderful teacher and treasure! 
Now, tell me what you are busy creating! I would love to hear!


Friday, March 29, 2024

Wishing you a happy Easter


“Easter is the only time when it’s perfectly safe to put all your eggs in one basket.”

                                                                          Evan Esar

Sunday, February 25, 2024

UPDATE Calico Cosmos

If you visited my previous post, I showed a link for an easy
applique method.....I will share it here one more time
I have now finished the embroidery that I wanted to do with the 
applique flowers.  I love to add spider and web whenever I can.


Thursday, February 22, 2024

Fabric, Floss, and Inspiration


Here in Texas, the temperature for these February days have been 84 to 86 degrees! The Italian Jasmine in full bloom and these very pretty days

have gotten me wanting to do some kind of project in a spring flower theme.
The cosmos of my earlier gardens came to mind.
While browsing Pinterest, I came upon this wonderful applique link that I want to share with you

Applique the Jilly Way  I hope you enjoy this. 
 Her technique is wonderful for getting small petals and leaves ready for applique. 
I decided I want to applique cosmos in different calico prints.
I followed what her video showed and in no time, I had enough petals and stems
ready for my project.  Cosmos do not have petal shaped leaves .  Their leaves are long and thin. I will embroider those on later. 
I did not have the glue that is used  in the video to tac the pieces in 
place so I baste stitched the pieces.  I did not want to use regular
craft glue. 
Now I have the flowers appliqued into place.  I am not yet finished with this piece. I will be adding embroidery to the flowers and a few other details as I go along. Hopefully by the time I return back here, I will have a lovely piece to show you.
Do you do applique?  What do you like to applique?.....birds, animals, or flowers? 
I would love to hear. 

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Valentine's Day Wishes


Who, being loved, is poor?  
    Oscar Wilde
Wishing you a happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

A new year, new ideas, with some old projects

 The new year is moving along at a rapid pace with the hours, the days, the weeks, all going by so quickly.

I have some new ideas for new projects this year, but I am also still working on last year's and other year's past projects. 

The cross stitch kit, "Peacock Tapestry" is a kit I have had stashed away for over
30 years and finally decided to start working on it last year.  I got sidetracked and placed it aside, 
but I started back  to stitching on it after Christmas and now, a peacock has started showing himself among the pear trees. My goal is to get this piece finished by the end of this year.  
This, at first glance, this looks odd, but it is something that I started about 4 years ago, 
put away, forgot about, and then came upon it this past summer as I was
clearing out my clutter.  What I have tried to achieve in the embroidery is a 
whimsical dark cloud blowing icy air that is forming into snowflakes...(made with white stitches and white seed beading)
that are drifting down into the bare woods.  
it's all part of a Christmas Theme miniature crazy quilt that I wanted to put together

using the different pretty Christmas fabric scraps that I have.
like this particular piece with vintage Christmas ornaments.
I have been embroidering on it this past week. 
I had actually started the quilt top with the candle embroidery that I had once designed and embroidered and wanted to find a way to use it for something.  For right now, I will be showing you the surface embroidery that I will be working on in different areas of the quilt top as I progress.  Then it will
be time to work crazy quilt stitches along the borders of each fabric piece.  So this will not be a quick finish......but a slow stitch and mostly for those days when I don't want to focus on counting with the cross stitch peacock.  Can you believe??........I almost considered throwing this into the trash along with another mini quilt top I had been working on.  I am so glad I decided not to.   I think at that time I was just in a "super clean and clear mode".  But thankfully, seeing the embroidery I had already stitched on it, me stop to think.....so I placed it back into a box. 
Which prompts this question to you......  Have you started working on something, after a while, decided you did not like it , and just tossed it away....and then regretted doing so?  
I would love to hear. Hope this finds all of you staying warm and creative.