I cannot count my day complete
'Til needle, thread and fabric meet.
~Author Unknown

Sharing a common thread with those who love the art of hand embroidery

Sunday, March 29, 2020

No matter how much time I have spent , lost in my stitching,

the worry of the uncertain times the coronavirus has 
placed on our health, our well being, and the stability of our
 still looms over me like a cloud.  So many people
suffering and struggling.  All we have is each other
and our faith to get us through this. 

I finally finished the cross stitched roses on linen that I had started a while back.
I am pretty sure I will frame this piece. I had at first thought
about placing it on the back of an antique chair.  
But no....I will frame it.

The weather has turned warmer and the gardens
outside need my attention. There is so much that is needing to 
be done that I will slow down on my stitching to enjoy
the outside world.  
However, in the late afternoon and up into the night,
I will once again have my needle for company.

For if my faith in faith be strong,
No doubt can enter in
My mind to make me ill and sad,
And let old Satan win!
Gertrude T. Buckingham, "Have Faith in Faith"

. I hope this finds pretty weather on  your shoulders and  
that  you and your loved ones are all safe and well.

Monday, March 9, 2020

It is all finished........well........for now

I have finished decorating each room of the dollhouse.
This is the children's bedroom. Since I have 3 children,
I made 3 beds.
The bed in the front of the photo is for a little boy.

The baby's bed has a decorated wall with little animals.

And there is a little girl's bed.

The dining room had to share the space with the living room 

I still need to paint the chairs and make cushions. 

The oven bake clay foods, dishes, and the handmade napkins and tablecloth
makes it all look like it is time to eat! 

So...from it's bare frame

to what it is now......I'm happy with it.
There is always room for wall hangings and such along the way. 

The days have been sunny , and warm, but also filled with 
rain showers. Leaving me to stay inside to do my handwork.
I usually toss all of our worn flannel shirts to the rag box after 
I have removed buttons, collars , and cuffs. And I usually cut them into squares
for rags. 
"Wear it out, use it up, make it do"

but I love flannel and I love the different plaids and colors. 
So this time, I removed all of the unworkable items, 
and cut the pieces into strips.

I then sewed the strips together and made a pretty
floor rug. (looking at the photo.......I realize my lens is dirty!)  

I hand painted flowers to give it some cheer.
It dresses up the bare floor perfectly!

I also made some hot pads.......

and then some chair cushions.....

which are really too thin to be cushions

but they look pretty.  They could also be placemats.
I am always surprised at what just a small strip or snippet of fabric
can be made into.  Have you repurposed old clothing into
something different?  I would love to hear!