An email discussion with a wonderful lady, Liz, wound up turning what I had intended to make for dish washing, into a beauty aide.

Liz had contacted me about my embroidered towels for her guest bathroom and had commented on the crocheted dishcloths being too pretty for dishes. I then told her about my new discovery of this wonderful soft cotton yarn and that the cloths could be facial washcloths instead, to go with the towels.

This wonderful cotton yarn is appropriately named! I love this cotton! It is so soft and yet so
absorbant! Wonderful for crocheted dishcloths and soft enough for crocheted wash cloths.

I sold these two sets to Liz. When she received them, she emailed at how pleased she was to have these in her guest bath. (Thank you, Liz ) The darker cloth is supposed to look purple to go with the towels flowers....

here it looks purple in the light...

Today, this shipment of towels just arrived. Another sweet lady I have embroidered for over the many past years wants 7 sets of embroidered towels before Christmas. The sets contain 7 towels each. My needles and fingers are going to be very busy. In the meantime, I will also be making more towels and wash cloths to hopefully sell in my on line shop soon!
What about you? Do you find the approaching holidays a time that you are busiest selling your wares? Which holiday is the busiest? I would love to hear.