I cannot count my day complete
'Til needle, thread and fabric meet.
~Author Unknown

Sharing a common thread with those who love the art of hand embroidery

Monday, September 11, 2017

Though care and trouble may be mine,
As down life's path I roam,
I'll heed them not while still I have
A world of love at home.
J.J. Reynolds, "A World of Love at Home,"
 in The New Monthly Belle Assemblée, October 1844

This embroidery transfer made me think of a dear friend of mine,
who, instead of letting grass grow in her yard,
she kept it all dirt.........and in all of the yard were flowers.
In the early spring through the summer,
there was always something blooming in and around the grounds of
her home.
She passed away several years ago. The other day I drove by 
her old house to see if there might be some lingering flowers.........
but no.  The house was still standing
but the yard was overgrown with weeds.
The flowers seemed to have left........
sensing she was no longer there for them to 
brighten her day.

I often think about trying to get rid of the grass in my 
yard .......to make it all flowers........just as my dear friend had done..........
But no matter how hard I try.......the ground will not 
Where I try to grow flowers..........grass grows,
where I try to grow grass.........wild flowers take over.
I think my friend must have spent hour after hour
with her hoe........getting rid of the grass
to make room for the flowers.
How about you?  Do you have a yard full of green soft grass?..........
or full of blossoming flowers?
I would love to hear!