When you get the time or the inspiration to create something, where do you go? Do you have a special sewing room or is your dining room table the best place to work? I have used the kitchen table, the dining room table, the front porch swing, the backyard patio. But there are times when I want a place that I can go away from all distractions and sink myself into my work. Since I don't have a "room" , I finally settled on a perfect corner in my home. This corner has a window with a wonderful view.

I moved my sewing machine/cabinet in front of the window. Perfect light for writing and sewing, the cabinet gives a good writing surface and I can always unfold it when I want to use the machine inside.

I have enough room for my pencils, floss, notebooks, drawing papers and let's not forget my important cup of coffee!

On the other side, a little chest holds all of my "tools of the trade". Books, sewing notions, pen and paper.

For me, if I am writing the latest chapter, I need a place that is away from noise, no T.V, no music, but also inspiring. If I am drawing out a project for embroidery, I listen to music, and if I am hand stitching a piece, I watch an old movie. Sometimes I take long walks to get inspired by color or to give my head time to think of a character, check out my country blog
http://eggsinmypocket.blogspot.com/. But if I work inside, and if I were in a corner with no window, I would feel closed in. This window offers the most wonderful view. It's right above one of my flower beds and I can look out onto the woods throughout the changing seasons. I am planning on putting up a bird feeder on the tree. Where do you create? What kind of view do you have? Do you watch T.V or listen to music? I would love to hear. Oh, one more thing, if the weather is nippy and you need something to warm you up from the inside, check out my Texas pinto bean recipe on my cooking blog
http://countrykitchenkat.blogspot.com. They are great for a cold day!
Hello Kathleen, I am so glad you stopped by today ! I am so glad to meet you and I LOVE embroidery !! In fact I have a project I am going to work on after Christmas. But I haven't done any embroidery in years, so I am really rusty. I wished you lived next door so I could get some pointers from you . Haha !
I am going to add you to my list of favorite places to visit,hope you don't mind.And please come back to visit anytime. Your always welcome.
Hey there Kathleen, thanks for visiting me! In answer to your question about where we buy supplies to spin such things as "silk" and other fineries...well, there are tons of suppliers that have herds of sheep, alpaca, llama, angora goats (mohair), etc. that sell the wool or silk prepared into batts or roving ready to spin.
You can use a drop spindle (of which Monica did use for spinning the tiny silk thread) or use a spinning wheel. I've used my drop spindle to spin chunky pieces of yarn for embellishment..that is why Monica's tiny silk thread blew my mind! I just can't imagine having the control to draft and spin something so tiny!...really amazing, isn't it?!
Hugs, Stephanie
Queen of Dreamsz
It's me again..LOL Back to answer the question you are asking about where we create.
I'm traveling and in a small apartment right now so I'm very limited to "inspiring" spots..LOL So I have my corner in the living room with my favorite swival rocker, ott lights and tables on each side of me and this is next to a window that looks out to a small pond with a fountain in it.
In reality I love big open spaces so that my mind and spirit doesn't feel confined...large windows with a view are a must to envision "what's next".
I can happily say that we have found our cabin in the smokies..if you'll scroll down a bit at my blog you will see my post about it..
So I will soon have my very own studio with the BIG views. :0) I'm excited to say the least...
Hugs, Stephanie
Queen of Dreamsz
HI there. Thank you for coming by to visit me. I wanted to say "hello" too! So here I am. What a wonderful blog you have and you are so talented. Alas, I can't even sew :0(
I love looking at others creations and appreciating the efforts they've made to create such wonderful pieces.
I hope you have a fantastic day and you are welcome to my blog anytime! Hugs!
Well, I have just had a wonderful time visiting your blogs. I love the embroideries! I have some, and maybe one of these days I'll get around to stitching some of my own. You are an inspiration!
I LOVE your little cozy corner..and especially the view...I need to move my desk so I can look out the window. AND love your pencils in the tea can!
Your pictures place you much closer to my old stomping grounds than I'd realized! I'm creative -- in my kitchen! not having needle skills or being a painter or musician or artist with anything other than butter and flour and ingredients --- it is easy for me to get down and wild with my convection oven and big propane cooktop. I do have a nice view of our front pasture so I can see our goats.
Hi Kathleen,
I love the window where you create. What a veiw. You definitely need a bird feeder out there. Though you may end up watching the birds more than creating.
I don't do so much creating, but I like to listen to books on tape/cd while I iron my linens in prep for sale. It helps the hours slip away without feeling like too much work.
Patricia :o)
Oh I love your special corner! It's perfect. I love my front porch swing. But when its cold I have a little rocker in my living room also beside a window facing the woods.
I don't listen to music while creating but like you, I love old movies while I'm stitching. I don't even have to "watch" it but love listening to the music and hearing the language ~ especially those I'm familiar with. Its comforting somehow, isn't it?
Christmas blessings,
Hi Kathy! My corner isn't as nice as yours lol. My favorite place is on my bed with my t.v. on Fox news and my laptop in my lap. I really, really need to tidy up my side of the room because I have too many projects going. I admit it, I'm a pack rat. If I had anything in my backyard worth looking at, I'd open my shutters once in a while. But no, I just looked, It's still just a dirt hill.
Love ya, Stacey
Hi Kathleen~ Thanks so much for visiting my blog! Now I can take some time to visit you! ~Mandy
I usually have to have peace and quiet if I'm working on something... my little one-track mind is too easily derailed!!
I do listen to my ipod while I'm cleaning the house... I can really whip those bathrooms into shape while singing along with Shania Twain! LOL
Thanks for stopping by. Your embroidery items are so beautiful. I used to do counted cross stitch...but no more. I should. Come by again when you get a chance!
Hi Kathy, thank-you for visiting Chips Place. He is my dearest friend!
I love your blog, it's beautiful as is your work.
I find the window in my bedroom where my sewing machine is set up is right now my favorite spot to create. In the summer, I enjoy sitting on the bence in my flower garden, which right now with the cold I really miss!
God Bless you, come visit my other blog also, Buttons n' Lace.
Hello Sweet Kathleen,
What a enduring little corner view you have there for yourself! we all need a place where we can dream, write & be grateful.
Thinking of you!
You have a wonderful inspiration area with a lovely view. I like to think, dream, read and stitch in my bedroom. I have a wonderful old bed that has been passed down from my father's family....it's piled high with pillows and this is my special spot...hugs, Linda
Well, I just love reading all of your comments,thank you, and what a creative bunch you all are! It doesn't matter where we "create" as long as we create! blessings, Kathleen
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