You know......, my blogging friends, I have posted about many things from the projects I have embroidered, the things I collect, the places and spaces I find inspiration in to create and about what kinds of flowers do you others like in embroidery. You all have been so good to comment and tell me your thoughts on everything! I do listen and your input has always been very helpful. When I had posted about the types of flowers you all like in embroidery,
Lindasue over at
Living in Buhl-a-land blog told me that wildflowers would be good. I also agree. Especially for where I live, there are acres and acres of wildflowers to see.

I use journals just about for everything. I have journals for my children's growing up years, our family life, journals on our life in the country, journals on my gardening and I just bought this journal pictured above for my embroidery design. Going back to wildflowers,

on the long walks Sophie and I take along the grounds, I take a lot of pictures of wildflowers and leaves.I think they are wonderful in color and design. Come over and take a walk with Sophie and me at my country blog,
Eggs In My Pocket After I take a photo, I pick a couple of leaves and blossoms to take home with me.

I then take out my stash of floss and match as best I can, the leaves or petals to the color of floss. Sometimes I take two different colors to blend together,(one or two strands from each skein put together) to get that certain hue.

This leaf has red and a hint of orange in it.

I then press the leaves and put which colors of floss I think would match well and keep them on a card to later refer to. After I get the photo processed, I place it in the journal along with the floss information and a drawn design of the flower or leaf for later embroidering. The photo is so good to go back and look at detail.

I just love this
petally blue flower!

I think this color goes well with it, don't you think?

I could print the picture off myself, but it comes out rather larger than a processed photo does. I also like the clarity of a photo for
referring to.

As you an see, there are more than one color of green in this set of leaves. It will be interesting to match the colors for embroidery, plus I love the design of these little leaves. So now, my question to you,.......many of you quilt, embroider, knit, spin, paint and much more......what inspires you in nature? The wings of a butterfly?....the fuzzy body of the bumble bee? , the dew drops on a leaf ??? I would love to hear!