The towel sets that I am supposed to have finished before Christmas
The fall afternoons are so pleasant that I have been taking my stitching outside. If you look closely at the photo, you can see my two helpers, Max and Boo, have given in to a nice nap. Napping will not do for me.....I still have so much more to stitch.
My question to you like to create your creations in the early morning......middle of the day....or late at night? I would love to hear!
Just dropped in to say hi! And to say how much I love your photo of the flower-filled teacup. That is such a lovely old-fashioned image...
I LOVE that stack of embroidered towels!!! You're really cranking them out!!!
They are beautiful.
The stitching on your towel sets is so beautiful. It looks as though your helpers are having a good nap. It must be really nice sitting outside sewing. Have a blessed week.
Your towels are stacking up, a tribute ( your work is exquisite) to your love of your craft and time well spent.
I work on my rugs in mid-morning. When it is fairly warm outside I will work on the front porch with a carafe of coffee on the table beside me. From the porch I can see my flock of sheep and the birds at the feeders. There are usually 2 of my cats near by and the ducks will waddle by as they forage for bugs, slugs and whatever. All in all, a blessed time that reminds me God is good, and His mercies are beyond comprehension.
Your towels look so beautiful! It's hard to let go of something you've put so much of yourself into, but - it has be done!
I'm a middle of the night worker. My creativity just seems to spark late at night. Which is a shame, because I love the early mornings, but if you don't go to bed until early morning.....
You are going so well with those teatowels! I would imagine the borders of blanket stitching must be the most tedious part. It would be for me, I'm sure!
Hello Sweet Kathleen!
I think of you each and every day as I see the sweet towel you made me...has never been used and I want it that way! LOL! I LOVE your work! When are you going to open your Etsy shop? I cannot wait!!! I have been waiting! Your cats are darling napping while you stitch away! My little 4 lb. Meltease Samantha does the same. It is not quite Fall here being in the 100's still. It is said it should be cooling down somewhat next week. We'll see!
I am so excited to see you have been selling you wares! Are you going to put lots of towels and pillowcases in you shop? That's what I would love to buy! I love the look of your blog! So sweet and peaceful, just like you.
I work on my projects throughout the day but get most work done in the evening. Kinda a night owl. Wish I was an early bird, seems much healthier!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Love ya,
Kathleen, Stopping by to say hello. We just took our fourth trip in 5 months back to NM and Arizona and had a wonderful time. It is still hot here! Wheres Fall?
Your artistry takes my breath! I've long loved handwork but haven't graduated from crossstitch. I think if I could do this as well as you do I would gladly give up writing all together:) Bless you bunches! I will return:)
Looks like yo uare making progress!
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