I cannot count my day complete
'Til needle, thread and fabric meet.
~Author Unknown

Sharing a common thread with those who love the art of hand embroidery

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Somewhere, at sometime...............

someones grandmother, aunt, or mother,

patiently worked, with hook and thread...........

in the late hours of the evening..........

after the days work of laundry, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children was done,

after the hot hours out working in the garden was finished,...................
and created these lovely works of art. Maybe she placed them on the dining room table, hung them in the kitchen, or placed them around the living room and bedroom...........
she decorated with her hand work..................
These pieces, in the photos above are just a few of the ones I have collected through the years..........
where I have stored them in the trunk that once belonged to my grandfather, along with my embroidered linens..............

but now they have a new place.............this wonderful little case, that my childhood friend brought to me while on her visit. It belonged to her Grandmother, who was very dear to me and who I always just considered to be a grandmother to me as well. Her name was Lila Josephine.......
her name and address is still on the traveling tag, which I am not going to remove

The inside is still intact, and although I restored and papered my grandfather's trunk,
I want to leave this little case just as it is. She used this little case to travel with while she rode on the bus to her relative's homes.

And now, the crocheted pieces will have their new home in this wonderful case.

And the little case will sit on top of the trunk, where, as I pass back and forth during the day, can see it and remember my special times with my childhood friend and Grandma.
To read the story about this special lady, visit my country blog,
How about you?
Do you love old crocheted pieces?
Do you display them, or have them in a special box...........or case?
I would love to hear!


Cora from Hidden Riches said...

This is so beautiful!!! And you described the scene of a woman doing these with such accuracy. Both my grandmothers were avid crocheters. And there was a peacefulness about them as they stitched away. Our home always had doilies. They were on the armrests, the backs of couches, centers of tables, under vases, and of course, the biggies --- tablecloths and bedspreads. My undershirts had crocheted edges, and I remember wearing a red, crocheted skirt with straps that went over my shoulders and crossed in the back, on my first day in kindergarten. Today? I'm just the same, collecting old pieces like you do. In fact, I collect old crocheted potholders and use them as Christmas ornaments on my tree. So I'm right there with you!

Anonymous said...

Kathleen, I just love the doilies especially the very first square on with the pink edging and flower! It's soooo pretty and cheerful.

I read your story on Eggs in My Pocket, and left a comment. Such a delight!

Wishing you a happy, healthy day,
Marianne xo

Mimos da Claralú! said...

Hi Kathleen!
What happiness to see your comment on my simple blog, loved it!
Thank you for caring, I did not know this blog and I am his follower. Ok?
Have a blessed evening.

lil red hen said...

These are so pretty, and yes I do love the old pieces although I don't have very many.

I also read the story of the little case on your other blog. The grandmother's name is very special.

Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

What a sweet story and a great place to store your needlework pieces.
I have crocheted pieces like yours from my grandmother on my father's side, and I cherish them.
She also used to do the ends of her pillowcases.

Bev said...

Boy some of those bring back memories...I have one with pink flowers like the first one. I remember it being used when I was very young...

Sharon said...

I love the potholders. You don't see pink and white ones often, most of the time they are red and white.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

believe it or not, I taught myself to crochet making doilies like that. It was during a quieter time in my life when I could concentrate on a pattern easily. I'm not sure I have that kind of focus today ~lol~ I think my mom had a piece similar to the one in the first picture.

I think you have chosen an excellent place for your treasures.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Your lace pieces are beautiful and I love your story of the trunk and suitcase, each having such memories. I'm glad you are keeping the tag entact. How very special.

Karen said...

Kathleen, I love to collect doilies of all kinds, too, and yours are beautiful! Thanks for another comment on my blog, I'm so glad you are enjoying your new embroidery book!

peggy said...

I love it too and the case is wonderful. I use my crocheted pieces in as many ways as possible. I even have some up for window valances. They connect us to the women who walked before us.

Wren said...

I have found some free patterns on the web, and want to give it a try just to see if I can make one!

papel1 said...

I have 4 large vintage suitcases that I store vintage linens and fabrics for sewing. I have them stacked up on tables in the living room. I look at them at time to time deciding whether to sell them, display them or give a gifts. Nice photos.

penny said...

Both my Mother and Grandmother crocheted beautifully.
Your doilies are especially nice and wonderful reminders of happy times of long ago.

I hope your dreams of having your own shop come true, Kathleen.

SarahBeth said...

What beautiful crochet! Both the trunk and the suitcase are such lovely places to store them! I have many doilies, pillowcases, even a couple of tablecloths that were made by the women in my family. Though some are stored, there are many that I use or display -- it gives me great pleasure to see them daily!
Following to see more of your lovelies -- thanks for your visit to my blog!!

Hill Top Post said...

Your lovely story took me back a few years to wonderful times. I grew up during the time when there was crochet work on every table and dresser. Even today I still find myself wanting to put a doily here and there. My favorite is one my grandmother made for me for my "playhouse" from bits and pieces of thread...blue, yellow and pink.

Gina E. said...

Those pieces are really beautiful. I don't collect crocheted work as much as I collect embroidered linen but I can still appreciate the work that has gone into them. I have a few fragile pieces that somebody in my family made a long, long time ago. Sadly I don't know who it was.

Celestina Marie said...

Just lovely. What a beautiful post of love and talent. Your friend/grandma sounds just like mine and to own those gorgeous crocheted dolies are a treasure. I have my grandmother's too and I love them. What a darling suitcase too. It is one of those that should be left as is with her name tag. How wonderful that you can enjoy it and pass it in your home each day.
I can so relate with these treasures.

Have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs, Celestina Marie

GardenOfDaisies said...

What a sweet way to store and display your treasured linens. I love all your pretty crocheted doilies and potholders!!! I collect those too.

Linda said...

Lovely photos and post. Many wonderful childhood memories here. Thanks for sharing.

A Colorful World said...

What a sweet gift from your friend! And its just the perfect place to keep these crochet treasures! Mom has some of my grandmother's doilies, framed and hanging on the wall. I think she should do a post about them. I have two embroidered "pictures" Grandmother did. I love these that you have. They are all so wonderful!

Jil~Say It With Roses said...

I adore old linens and laces! Yes, I display them all over the house. Everything from a piece of exquisite Irish lace to potholders all in pinks...
Truly enjoyed your post!
♥ Jil

Diana said...

I love the crochet; I have crocheted for my mother and myself many years ago. These lovely pieces have inspired me to maybe start again sometime in 2012. I have one doily actually crocheted in christmas red that I still display on my dresser.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful post Kathleen. I too love vintage handiwork. I love to incorporate them into my designs. I have my Great-Grandma's red and white rose potholder and coffee can lid embellished hot pad.

janice15 said...

Such lovely sweet items, I do I have tons of linens and old doilies. I just can't resist them when I do find them...I have a small collection of vintage pot holders I hang in my kitchen. I have so much linens I can't display it all but every so often I go through them to change and see them...It's one of my passions...I recently open a truck that been sitting for 30 something years if not more that belong to my great grandmother who came from Russia back when...I found some old linens in there and I finally felt complete in my heart... I shared a couple of things with my oldest daughter and granddaughter...I love the second beige ones that you posted they are pretty coarse I love the two pink ones as well...have a great week..with love Janice...ty for stopping by...

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Those are lovely crocheted pieces. And the trunk and suitcase are very fabulous for so many reasons. I have a few crocheted doilies that belonged to my Mammaw. I don't know who made them for her, but my dad sent them to me when she passed away, along with two granny square blankets. All the other crochet I have is stuff I've made. Maybe one day, to someone, it will be an heirloom. :) Best wishes to you, Tammy

Jocelyn said...

Oh, that is beautiful. The crochet pieces are treasures, and the case is wonderful too.

Thank you for sharing all that loveliness!

deb said...

I have some exactly in those patterns that my Grandmother made. She was a wonderful crocheter. I wish I would have learned from her. She lived with us growing up and was always making something for someone...baby booties, baby bonnets and sweaters were given to anyone who had a baby. IN the 70's it was afgans and ponchos...omg remember those? She made me a pink one that I loved! Oh and the crocheted vests. She was a very talented seamstress too. Funny how when you're little all that doesn't mean much. Then when you're older you treasure those memories. I have a ton of her doilies, dresser scarves (she also embroidered), table cloths and, of course, pillow cases...some even have cutwork. I have all my kids crocheted baby items from her in my cedar chest. Doiles...some are used some in the linen closet. Any stained or ones with holes are made into something else, I just can't bare to part with them.

That little cuitcase reminds me of my Mom's. I keep my kids High School gowns in it. I have a stack of trunks and suitcases from my parnets and grandmother...they make such great storage and bring back memories.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!