I always have a habit of buying something I like, especially if it's on sale, and then storing it away,..... and then forgetting about it. Looking for my buttonhole attachment, I found this wall hanging in a drawer still in it's plastic wrap and label. I think it was around 12 years ago when I purchased it! The original price on it was $3.97 and I got it on clearance for $1.50. I do remember painting a couple of them and giving them to friends. Now I wish I had bought more,.....what a great thing for etsy, now that I know about the wonderful world of Internet.{:
I cannot count my day complete
'Til needle, thread and fabric meet.
~Author Unknown
'Til needle, thread and fabric meet.
~Author Unknown
Sharing a common thread with those who love the art of hand embroidery
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
A welcome sign
Sunday, May 25, 2008
busyness or bloggers block?
Hope everyone is having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Here I am posting without one picture of embroidery to show! I have plenty to stitch on, just nothing finished yet.{: This is a busy time of my life right now. Graduation for one child,my nest is almost empty}: (tears)and school finishing for another with him wanting to get a summer job. I guess it's from the anxiety of all of this and other detours of life.... I feel so run down! So I am going to spend this week, reading all of you blogger's wonderful posts, getting the house clean, the weeds cleared and maybe some stitching done. I hopefully will have something to show and to write about by then. But please drop a line or two and let me know what you are doing!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Would you like to see the first things I embroidered?
Going though my linen closet, I pulled out the very old stash of some of the things I first embroidered starting at the age of 10. With some of you starting embroidery, I thought you might like to see how extremely bad I was starting out. Of course, being young, I thought every thing I stitched was a masterpiece and often gave them away as presents to my family. I shudder to think what they must have thought. So do not blame me for your sore eyes after taking a look at these primitive and very stained pieces. I have them soaking now after I saw how bad they looked!

Sunday, May 18, 2008
A great stitch resource
I was taught the basic stitches of embroidery by my mom when I was 10. As the years passed, I learned more stitches either from kits I had purchased or books. I am still learning each day!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Gideon and Gabriel
First of all, I want to thank you all for always dropping by and leaving a comment to say hi and you always have such nice things to say. You truly make my day! I am so excited that some of you already embroider and some of you are getting started! I am still working on that tablecloth, so I am digging into my stash to have something to show you until I get my job complete.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Embroidery Floss....my palette
Monday, May 12, 2008
I see french knots!
This weekend was filled with remembering the mothers and grandmothers in our family..... and for me, the time when I was a young new mother, rocking our babies to sleep. I really miss that time! I also love this time of year. Right between the cold winter winds and the harsh hot summer. Every thing is crisp and alive, and walks around the grounds are always so enjoyable.
Friday, May 9, 2008
What I like most about blogging
When I first heard about blogging from a friend, I didn't think I would really enjoy it or have time for it. I really thought it was just an "open book diary " of sorts. Even though it is, in a way, it has been so much more for me. I have made some of the sweetest friends through this wonderful vice and I have never met one face to face!{: I love the blogging because for me ,I have found people who share a common thread for the same things I am interested in. I am in awe of the talented and creative people who reside here in blog land. With embroidery being my passion, I have always had a goal to somehow get others "on fire" about the art of embroidery. I am so thrilled when you comment on my blog telling me that you have started embroidering! I also love to hear of how others used to embroider. So thank you all for making this blogging experience a wonderful journey. I find a way to make time to blog and I pick a day to just take a break from the hustles of life and to read your wonderful posts, take a look at your wonderful creations, and even learn a thing or two! I am so glad to have found this wonderful outlet.
This is a set of leaves I designed for counted cross stitch. I love leaves and I love changing seasons. Above is a fall leaf(in orange) and a winter leaf. I tried to capture winter by making holes in the winter leaf.
I have had several friends, like Doris, who have asked if I am able to sell my pieces after I have put so much work into them. Yes. If I like a certain piece a lot, I will make one for myself. Usually, for a customer, it is a design I have drawn up to suit their taste so I am not that attached to it. Most of all I want to see my work adorn peoples tables, bedrooms and baths. So thank you all for taking time to read and to leave your sweet comments. Even if all I have to show is a plot of dirt and a few sprouts, you are always there with something sweet to say! Blessings to you all!{:
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
A word about designing cross stitch
I love counted cross stitch and have spent my earlier years buying every magazine that had the newest designs. However, I wanted a design that fitted my life.... and I started designing cross stitch. At that time, late 80's, we did not own a computer, so every thing I designed was hand drawn on graph paper and stitched. I then had so many design ideas, that I started submitting them to magazines and companies. The first sampler I ever designed, "A Precious Baby Sampler" was bought by a company. I was so excited! However, one condition was that they buy the rights to my design and also keep my stitched piece. For the small price of $200 , I signed over my work. I never ever saw the piece printed.( I need to stitch up the sampler now for myself) With the top magazines, I got so many compliments along with rejection letters. I also did not want to sell my rights to something I designed. So I basically quit sending my work out for approval and for a small wage, and started designing and selling privately. A few years later, we acquired a computer, and Sweetie bought me PC stitch. It is great and I love it. However, I still keep my graph paper, and colored pencils on hand. For me, there is nothing better than to sit in my favorite spot, drawing up my designs.It's the same with reading. I would much rather curl up somewhere with a good book, than to sit and read it online. {: Sometimes, I will take what I have drawn and change it over to PC stitch, but usually, I stitch straight from my hand drawn work.
Monday, May 5, 2008
One more for future etsy?
I started embroidering last night. Just a small thing to put on the purse I want to have for my "someday etsy shop".
Here is the back. Doesn't the floral look pretty?
Sunday, May 4, 2008
What did I get done this weekend?
The weekend went by so quickly, I hope you all had a wonderful one! First of all, thank you all for the wonderful advice on the Azalea that Sweetie brought home. I do have a shade bed, however, I am still nervous about putting it out so quickly. I decided to plant it in a large container and placed it on the porch where I do a lot of my stitching. It is so cheery there and I can enjoy it. Also, because of the winter, I can move it to the greenhouse later one.I posted it on my country living post, Eggs In My Pocket, if you want to take a look. Although I did not find fabric I wanted for the apron patterns in my last post, I did work on some of the things I had mentioned in earlier posts. I had bought a stash of pretty fabric in early spring and all I have done with it is to make a set of pillowcase borders. I also found a pretty set of cafe curtains at a flea market that I thought, along with all of you, {: would make pretty aprons.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Apron inspiration
I have had these apron patterns for a while now, put away for later dreams. Reading all of you creative ladies posts about your aprons has made me dig these out. I am not sure how I am going to go about it, but I want to make them a little different than the way they are pictured, using my embroidery.
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