I cannot count my day complete
'Til needle, thread and fabric meet.
~Author Unknown

Sharing a common thread with those who love the art of hand embroidery

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Larkspur around the patio are starting to bloom

and when I see these wonderful blooming stalks, I am drawn back to the memory of when I first discovered Larkspur. We were living in a small house, on a loud and grumpy corner lot, on a busy street in town. Along the back of the house, was a large gully, that ran down behind the other blocks in the neighborhood. When it rained, it would fill with murky rain water.  One spring, I had gone out to dump trash in the alley, when I noticed tall color stalks in lavender, blue, white, and pink. I grabbed my shovel and soon dug up and transplanted a good portion of these flowers to my flower garden. To my delight, they flourished and for many years, I had an enormous garden of larkspur. Since moving out here, I have had little luck in getting Larkspur to sprout. This year, I tried containers on the patio.............and now once again, I am enjoying the pretty blossoms.

In the coaster set I am trying to finish, I had previously stitched this coaster design with my beloved Larkspur................

I am hoping they last through the summer and into our warm fall like they usually do.

I am hoping that by fall, my coaster set will also be completed.
How about you?
What's your favorite flower and when was the time you discovered it?
I would love to hear!


Cgirl said...

Thank you for little snippets life that you include with your embroidery. Your posts are very enjoyable.

papel1 said...

I guess I have 2 favorite flowers I found growing when I moved into our house years ago. The Irises are lovely but the favorite is the old Lilac bushes that still bloom and smell so good. Your embroidery as usual is lovely.

lil red hen said...

I have only a few larkspur plants, but I love them. When I was a child, Mama couldn't have flowers around the house since we had no yard fence, but there was a patch of wild larkspur plants south of the yard. So they've always been a favorite of mine.

They make a beautiful flower to embroider.

Cindy said...

I love larkspur too! I have a bunch of it in my herb garden and have not had to replant it for many years. I have it interplanted with bachelor buttons and it looks so pretty.
Your embroidery is so exquisite. I always enjoy seeing when you have a new post!

Mimos da Claralú! said...

Hi friend!
It is very difficult to say what my favorite flower, because I love all the flowers and the more color, more like!
They fill the eyes with its beauty ...
Here in Brazil and variety of flowers is vast!
Hmmm ... one of my favorites is the Orchid, all types of orchids are beautiful.
If I were to write all my favorites, would not have room for so many names.
Be blessed one week.

penny said...

I love your beautiful larkspur, around your patio and on your lovely embroideries.
cheers :)

SarahBeth said...

Beautiful embroideries!
My favorite flowers are the Southern Magnolia and the Tiger Lily. Both remind me of my mother -- she grew tiger lilies and had Roseville pieces with the magnolia pattern which I now have. And my granddaughter is named Magnolia!
Thanks for stopping by : )

Celestina Marie said...

What a sweet story of your beloved Larkspur and how you meet up with that gorgeous bloom. Love your pics and your beautiful needlework.
Lovely post.

Hugs, Celestina Marie

Mimos da Claralú! said...

Hi dear friend! I came to thank and say that the visit was very happy to see you there. Come back whenever you can, I'll be waiting!
Have a blessed day!
Kisses from Luciana.

Latane Barton said...

I am a huge fan of larkspur. We had it in the yard when I was a child but I've never tried to grow it. Your reproduction of that beautiful flower onto fabric is so pretty. Hugs

Anonymous said...

Good day, dear Kathleen!

Your larkspur is lovely, and of course your rendition of it in your embroidery is so beautiful!!

Hmmm..I love many flowers like roses, forget me nots, etc., but I think the first time I discovered something which left an impression were Lilies of the Valley. They grew wild in our yards back in New Jersey, and though at the time I took them for granted, their sweet little bowed heads, and sweet fragrance left a lovely memory for me.

Hope your book is coming along just fine. Enjoy a blessed day,

Marianne xo

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Love the larkspur. I must try some of these and the hollyhocks in big pots sometime. I wonder how they would do in this climate. Don't know that anything is doing very well right now with all the dust. Not a day this week without it. Ugh! Your stitchings are so very pretty. Hope you are having a good day. best wishes, Tammy

peggy said...

Larkspur is one of my favorites too. I just scatter it in the fall or early spring and let it bloom wherever it wants. Mine doesn't last all summer. Beautiful embroidery!

A Colorful World said...

Loved this post! Aren't larkspur the ones that look like little bunny rabbits when you look very closely? Your coaster design looks just as lovely as the real thing!

When we moved into our little house in Norfolk during Dad's last tour in the Navy, there was a gardenia bush right next to the front door. That year I met my husband to be, and have loved gardenias ever since! They met me with their fragrance every time I passed that threshold, and I have been fortunate to have several gardenia bushes over the years at different places we have lived.