I cannot count my day complete
'Til needle, thread and fabric meet.
~Author Unknown

Sharing a common thread with those who love the art of hand embroidery

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

As I gaze across the dry packed earth of my garden spaces..........

some with tired, weary looking plants.......
some still filled with early spring weeds........
I realize that although, in early spring, my 
intentions were so great to create beautiful garden areas, 
the high heat......my laziness of not wanting to work 
out in the heat.... and many other excuses,  make 
my gardens.........full of flaws and make
the quote above reflect so much about me.
I also shudder and think to myself......."what was I thinking?" when 
one year, many years ago..............I stayed up in the wee morning hours making homemade place mats..........with 
........of all things.........
appliqued watermelon slices on them............
even worse.........
to give to my husband's family...............
yes..........I really did...............
I really thought they were great.........at that moment.
Can you imagine the look on their faces when they opened the box
to find these very primitive "things" made for them??
And what is worse..............I continued to make
more "handmade things"  
until I started realizing............maybe I should have given "gift giving" 
more thought.  
Thank goodness for loving family and friends, 

.......yes, my friends were not immune..........

who really just took these things and 
did not tell me just how absurd these "works of art" 
really were!!!
So many flaws........with good intentions! 
I think......they really knew my heart was in the right place.......
just not my sense of reality!   
Have you spent hours.........
full of good intentions,
excited as you go creating along........
making a homemade "work of art" for someone........
to realize much later........after giving it.........
how you wish you hadn't??  
I would love to hear! 


Prims By The Water said...

I always crocheted afghans for family, however I did ask what their favorite colors were before I started them. We all do make mistakes thought...including myself. Janice

lil red hen said...

Knowing what wonderful work you do now, I bet your watermelon placemats were great!
When I give something away I always wonder if it will stay together, especially quilts. lol

mamasmercantile said...

I don't expect anyone of your gifts would not be welcomed, the work you share has always been a delight and made with love. Whats not to like... I must admit, you have made me wonder about some of my own gifts now.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

No! I never thought that! But like Prims By The Water, the one time I can remember that someone was disappointed with there gift was when I crocheted an afghan for my sister and she said "You made these colors for me?" I worked hard and created a beautiful afghan in shades of blue. She like dull browns. If anyone else was disappointed in my gifts, they never ever told me. Recently my SIL commented on a Bolero Jacket and Pants I had made her back in the 70s. I never knew how much my gift really touched her heart until recently. My low self esteem raised a few notches that day.
xx, Carol

Gina E. said...

I am very careful who I give my handmade gifts to. I will only give them to people who have genuinely admired something I have made for myself or someone else, and tell me they would like one too. I still see my embroidered and quilted gifts in my family and friends' homes,and that makes me happy! Only one gift which was a cross stitch that took a year to do, may have ended up at a thrift shop or even the rubbish tip, after we had an argument and I never saw her again.

handmade by amalia said...

I give a lot of handmade gifts. I'm sure I've made mistakes along the way but people have been too polite to let me know :-) This is a seriously stunning piece of embroidery!

Faith said...

Yes, I've done it also. But..you know what? It was made with love and a purposeful thought for someone, the receiver. It has been said that Amish people make a mistake on purpose into their work, because no human is perfect only GOD. I like homemade handmade gifts from others, they are unique and special. Thank you for popping over at my place.
I'm looking forward to the bobcat picture, I've never seen one.

Jeannie said...

I have made mistakes giving homemade canned gifts. I assumed if my family loved something, everyone would. However, I have realized people who don't can or garden, have no idea how much work is involved. It is just a jar of jelly to them.