I cannot count my day complete
'Til needle, thread and fabric meet.
~Author Unknown

Sharing a common thread with those who love the art of hand embroidery

Friday, March 21, 2025

Slow Stitching and Vintage Dresser Runners

Slow stitching has become popular among creatives lately.  A fabric background is used and is embellished with  pieces of embroidery, fabric, lace, beads, and lots of intricate embroidery stitches to create a unique work of art. For me, it's much like "crazy quilting"
  I have started  for myself, a work of slow stitching, but wanted to share with you the idea of using vintage embroidered dresser runners as the background fabric.  The dresser runner in the photo has lovely lace edging and lovely vintage embroidery, which I did not want to cover up........
but as you see in the photo, it has a burn mark that cannot be laundered out. However, the runner itself, is made of good quality linen.
  Using bits and pieces of fabric and pieces of cut out embroidery from vintage embroidered linens, I covered up the burn mark. I think it's a great way to use vintage dresser runners that are still pretty and in fairly good shape.  I hope to make this into a unique and one of a kind stitched piece. The pieces and the layout may change as I begin to stitch.
I started on one corner.......I  embroider a spider web, appliqued and embroidered on the rose motif, and embroidered a few edges on fabric pieces................and I still have a lot of stitches to do.....as the term goes........"slow stitching" .  I will work on this as the mood strikes me.........on days when I just want to sit in my stitching chair and "slow stitch". 
Are you working on a slow stitch project?  I would love to hear!



Donna said...

Oh my word! This is beautiful! I'd love to start embroidery again but right now, I'm quilting. Maybe you could embroidery a bee or tiny flower on top of that burn mark!
Have a sweet day

Granny Marigold said...

What a wonderful way to save an older piece that would otherwise got thrown away. The result of your slow stitching will make this a true treasure.

Colonial Rose said...

I love it when a damaged linen can be repurposed into a beautiful piece of art.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

My grandmother saved many things like that by making them even prettier by covering up a flaw. I love yours!